Image properties

When an image is selected, choose from the following properties in the Property inspector:

The Property inspector initially displays the most commonly used properties. Click the expander arrow in the lower right corner to see all properties.

Image lets you name the image so that you can refer to it within a scripting environment, such as JavaScript or VBScript. You must name any image that you want to control with behaviors.

W and H reserve space for the image on the page as the page is loading. Dreamweaver enters the image's original size automatically. Default and unlabeled values are pixels. You can also enter "in" for inches, "pc" for picas, "pt" for points, "mm" for millimeters, "cm" for centimeters, and combinations thereof, such as 2in+5mm. Dreamweaver converts the values to pixels in the source HTML. Changing these values scales the display size of this instance of the image. Changed values appear in boldface. To restore the original values, click the field labels. Changing the width and height only scales the display of this instance of the image; it doesn't reduce download time because the browser downloads all image data before scaling the image. To reduce download times and to ensure that all instances of an image appear at the same size, use an image-editing application to scale images.

Note: Be sure to specify width and height values to ensure that the browser reserves enough space for the image when drawing the page. If you don't specify values, the browser must redraw the page again after downloading the image and before displaying it. If you are unsure of the image's dimensions, open the image file (not a page containing it) in Netscape 3.0 or lower. The title bar displays the width and height of the image.

Src specifies the source image file. Type the path or click the folder icon to browse to and select the source file. See About relative and absolute paths for information on entering pathnames.

Link specifies a hyperlink for the image. Type the URL or click the folder icon to browse to and select a document on your site.

Align aligns an image and text on the same line. See Alignment options.

Alt is alternate text that appears in place of the image for text-only browsers or if users set their browsers to download images manually. For visually-impaired users who use speech synthesizers with text-only browsers, the text is spoken out loud. In some browsers, this text also appears when the pointer is over the image.

V Space and H Space add space, in pixels, around the top and bottom, and left and right of the image, respectively.

Border sets the width of the link border around the image in pixels. Enter 0 (zero) for no border.

Map enables you to create client-side image maps. See Creating image maps.

Edit Image launches the image editor you specified in External Editors preferences and opens the selected image. When you save your image file and return to Dreamweaver, Dreamweaver updates the Document window with the edited image. See External Editors preferences.